Saturday, July 21, 2012

Saturday = Flea Market Day

When in paris, Saturday morning is traditionally spent at the Porte De Vanves flea market.   Not to be confused with the overwhelming Marche de Puce at Clignoncourt, to which people are usually referring when they speak of "Paris flea markets."

This market takes place deep in the fifteenth arrondissement and is not a permanent site, like Les Puces, but a street about a mile long of vendors who dump their wares from the back of their vans onto the sidewalks.  In the past we've found some good stuff, but the days of collecting are over, I think, except on a small scale.  Today's haul?  An old metal Harley Davidson sign Gene got for 10e. I was proud of myself for passing over a sketch I really wanted.

A stop at Cafe Diderot to split a club sandwich and order of frites and it was back to 
the apartment to do laundry and, later, cook a dinner of scrambled egg sandwiches. Yes, we do travel glamorously, I know. Try not to hate. 

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